JDA Contractor Survey

This is not a test and there are no right or wrong answers. Please take time and give us your views about this relationship.

Please tick in one of the boxes rating your business relationship with JDA.

You can rate by ticking Very Poor; Poor; Average; Good and Excellent.


Thank you for doing business with the Johannesburg Development Agency. We appoint different contractors around the City of Johannesburg, and you were one of them. We would like to ask you a few questions to get feedback from you regarding your business relationship with JDA.

Very PoorPoorAverageGoodExcellent
How would you like to rate the support you received from JDA?
How was the support representative JDA in resolving your issues?
How happy are you with the support you received from JDA Principal Agent?
How would you rate your problems resolution mechanism at JDA?
Please rate the quality of support provided by JDA.
Are you happy with the time taken by JDA to resolve the issue?
Please rate the professional teams support and role in the project ?
Please rate the overall support experience received during your business relationship with JDA.